Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diary No. 17. It's been an interesting 2 weeks

Still doing basically the same routine. Trying to get a Reiki session every night to Dick Sutphen's Healing Force CD.

The week before last, I had to miss 2 days in a row though, because I was so intensely editing the final copy of my dissertation that I ended up being either totally exhausted or too late to start one.

So Pauline comes over to do vortex healing, checks her chakras with the pendulum, and it's obvious from the lack of movement that without the Reiki, she doesn't stay in balance. Very interesting.

Got the CA-19-9 numbers back too. March, pre-surgery: 749, End of April, home for 3 weeks, no other treatment, hardly any appetite: 2700. Crap, the surgery, anesthesia, and preservative-laden hospital food did a number on her immune system.
End of May, 3 weeks after CyberKnife, and 2 weeks after she got her appetite back (so she could drink they whey protein/supplement shakes): 1400. Still double March, but half of the previous month. Just did another test last week, so I'll have that number soon.

Medical oncologist wants to start her on Gemcitibine and 5FU. Supposedly she'll have very mild side effects, with no nausea or vomiting. Possibly her blood count will go down. I'm working as hard as I can with the nutritional and Reiki support so this actually comes true, because from what I see on the net, this isn't really true. Also would like to avoid that low blood count.

Propax NT is recommeded in a great book by a neurosurgeon Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients by Russell Baylock, MD (neurosurgeon). If she starts getting side effects that the other supplements I'm giving don't address, I'll try that.

In any case, she keeps seeing images in her aura. Mostly it's this sponge-like blob that varies between grey, black and red (not too happy to see it could be black or gray). I don't know if that's the cancer she seeing or not. She started telling me it had holes in it the other day.

Also, one night, father's day night to be specific, when I had started the Reiki late and let her stay in her bed to do it, she fell off to sleep, and then woke up saying she had a nightmare in which her father was trying to get her to go somewhere she didn't want to go. THAT was interesting. Not sure where the place was, but I think it's indicating emotional aspects that need to be healed

Tomorrow is the chemo. I think I'm more nervous than my mother.

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