Monday, May 26, 2008

Diary No. 10 "Every Cancer has its Own Energetic Signature"

Now my mom is starting to have some symptoms that I'm thinking may be her liver getting overloaded with debris from the Cyberknife radiation treatment. Two days of bad headaches, one day of not seeing well, tired. I'm thinking it might be the liver because Pauline was detecting a gunky liver at the last vortex healing session. When I went online to look up liver cleansing those symptoms were there. I've started to give her Milk Thistle (nothing fancy, just Trader Joe's), so maybe things are moving around.

Doing some fresh juicing as well. I wish I could give her fresh veggie juice every day, but she doesn't like it that much. I have to say, my mom is beginning to get so appreciative of my efforts here that she's really cooperating, even though her stomach always tells her it's never hungry, and even though she doesn't really like the morning smoothie or those veggie juices (carrot, apple, beet, cabbage - esp. the cabbage, which is very anticancer - and whatever else is lying around that's organic. Today I had some swiss chard and left over salad from my organic garden, so in they went. The apples make the flavor better). She likes my cooking, which is good.

I'm in the process of deciding to get away from meat, even fish, as much as possible if I can keep up her protein intake in other ways (very important for cancer patients, or anyone who has muscle atrophy from an extended hospital stay). My way is my "kitchen sink" whey protein shake in the morning. One indication of this is that one day she had some (organic, free range) chicken, which she loved, but which she found a little hard to digest. The next day I made this great thai-oriented tofu recipe, and she assimilated that much better. Fish, we both love it, but it's also pretty loaded with toxins these days, so I'm sticking to a couple of times a week, if that. Better just add Carlson's fish oil to the cottage cheese(or strained yogurt)and flax oil mixture I throw into her smoothie to get the Omega 3s (especially the EPA).

I just came upon a site of a clinic in Quito, run by Dr. Wickman, a DO (website here). I'd never get my mother to go, but I think the doctor has one super-profound statement on his site: every cancer has its own energetic signature. The doctor's idea is to address that first and then have the people do a vegetarian diet. Whether or not you would agree with the rest of what he does, I think that is a profound truth about cancer.

It turns out that this idea comes from Dr. Royal Rife, who did work around this idea in the 1930s. There is a website with info on his work here.

The idea resonated with me simply from what I know about homeopathy -- I've gone to a really great homeopath and after a while you learn that every sickness has its own emotional signature, and the homeopathy goes after that to heal the dis-ease. My homeopath "doesn't go near cancer," apart from giving remedies to deal with the emotional components of adjusting to having it, but still I think there is a larger truth to the whole idea.

The last two nights were good Reiki-wise. The night before last, I was very tired from gardening and we started late, so we just did a music cd, and no massage. Now, I always do lavender aromatherapy as well. On the nights I'm doing music instead of the Dick Sutphen self-hypnosis CD "Healing Force," I tell my mother to envision a great white light coming down through her crown chakra and really energizing the killer cells to gobble up all the cancer cells, like they are little Pack Men. The Pack Men are super energized by this visualization, or that's the intention at least. She likes it.

I'm specifically envisioning the liver and sigmoid colon full of wonderful Reiki energy. In the case of the colon, where there has been a suspicious spot, I envision the Reiki energy causing such a state of energetic balance that anything out of balance cannot survive, and therefore the cancer cells have to be just harmlessly absorbed. I envision no other choice for them as I light up the area with Reiki.

For the liver, I just imagine it illuminated with Reiki energy. I also invoke the distant symbol if she's in bed and I can't reach the spot. Not sure why this occurred to me, but I do feel my hands getting hotter when I do this. One time I actually felt my liver tingle, which to me was a confirmation that my mom's liver needed some Reiki.

I've also started sending Reiki to the Palladin gene - which apparently is the gene found to be turned off in pancreatic cancer patients. I intend for the Reiki to turn on the tumor suppression qualities at the DNA level.

Last night I got in another full session on the Reiki table, phew. For some reason I also wanted to work on her legs and feet a lot - sometimes I get intuitive feelings when I'm doing Reiki, and the feelings are stronger than different feelings in my hands. Her muscles got really atrophied by a week and a half in intensive care, and they're still not really back. That may be what I'm picking up on. But little by little.

All I can say is that my mother by all logic should not be feeling this well at this point. Late stage pancreatic cancer often just takes people right down, especially after their systems are weakened by major surgery. I feel if she hadn't had the cyberknife she would have started going downhill anyway, but the treatment gave her immune a chance to start rebuilding itself (and for me to help her with diet and all this energy work). My mom looks and feels better all the time, aside from her legs, which I attribute to not moving around enough or doing her pt exercises enough.

What I think is happening is that all the energy work is working together with the nutrition and some emotional work we do when we have our intimate little Reiki sessions. Healing is happening on many different levels.

Her first bloodwork "after" the Cyberknife and all of this other complimentary medicine will happen on Thursday. Wednesday is the Cyberknife follow up.

A full report scientifically confirming how extraordinary my mother's response has been will follow when I get it!

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