Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Diary No. 8

Last night uneventful. Dick Sutphen's Healing Force seems to have an amazing power to both relax and make cheerful. Even though by the end of the CD it's always pretty late, my mom always ends happy and relaxed. This is a true gift.

I also decided to do some more aura clearing - from the entire abdomen area. I feel there are bits of dis-eased energy that somehow were loosened up by both the Cyberknife radiation and all of this Reiki, so I feel like getting them out of her aura. To her it feels like grass clippings in her aura that I'm clearing. Pretty interesting.

There's also emotional healing going on in the midst of all of this. While putting my hand on an old broken leg injury I got the impression that her lower back disk issue (which over time has given her a waddle) might have been related to that accident (crack the whip ice skating or the heartless doctor who set the leg without anesthesia). She said that maybe it started there, but it was somehow related to all the stress from the responsibilities when we were kids. She has NEVER conceptualized this like that before. A true indication of healing in my book.

On the healthy living side, I've discovered that modified citrus pectin may help prevent metastases, so I ordered some through today. She needs more fiber in her diet, so what the heck. I might as well hit 2 issues at once.

I also finally got my mom to drink fresh vegetable juice that I make. That was another sign of progress.

Today I had to tell her that there is a spot on her colon. We've never been told whether they found it was cancer, but my mom didn't know about it all. She is feeling so much better that she was trying to refuse to have Pauline come, so I had to tell her (it's all about the money and the unreal/out of paradigm issues she has with energy healing, except when I do it, because there is a great deal of intimacy that we have developed through me doing nightly Reiki, which I feel is also healing in and of itself).

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