Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Reiki and my Mom's Pancreatic Cancer. Diary No. 5

I guess I'm a little behind on this.

On Sunday night, I did the Dick Sutphen Healing Force CD a second time while I was doing Reiki on my mother. This time she stayed more alert but relaxed. After the relaxation section when the suggestions started coming on she suddenly said, "this is probably really good." Then we just did the rest of the CD, which ends with music and subliminal suggestions.

That was the night before we went to do the Cyberknife radiation treatment. She was fine after that, but a little tired by the afternoon. The only problem she had during the 45 minute treatment was that the mold on her back was uncomfortable.

Monday night I went back to "plain" Reiki using the Reiki Magic/Merlin CD. We were both very tired from not sleeping well the night before, but I still did the full hour.

Last night(Tues) a very interesting thing happened. I did Lavender aromatherapy for the first time, and I also decided to use the aura cleansing technique I learned in Advanced Reiki Training (which I took with Kathie Lipinski - of the International Center for Reiki training. She's a nurse here on LI. The only reason I'm not doing Master level training with her is that there was someone who lived a lot closer - she's a fabulous teacher).

For the aura clearing from the ICRT school you extend your energy past your finger tips, and then ask the person to visualize the area of dis-ease - color, shape, and what it might be telling you. You are supposed to ask the person if they are willing to learn from it, but I just asked my mom if it was saying anything.

Astoundingly enough, without having seen the doctors' description of her tumor, she identified its correct shape and size. She then said it was pink. I'm wondering if that's the irritation from the radiation.

When I asked her if it was saying anything, she just said that it wanted to get out of there. I thought that was her projecting her feelings instead of going deeper, so I didn't work with her on that too much.

HOWEVER, about 5 minutes later she suddenly said, "you know, I think worrying about money can give you cancer." While it's certainly not cause and effect, since cancer is multi-faceted dis-ease (genetic, environmental, emotional, dietary), she did correctly identify one of the sources of her own emotional dis-ease, which I thought was a huge breakthrough.

She explained how money was always at the back of her mind, and she really constantly worried about it. To put it simply, this kind of thing can really depress one's immune system. It surely damaged her energetic bodies. This is a person who doesn't really have too much in the bank, but who owns a house that she surely can get the equity out of if necessary, and who for that reason doesn't really have to worry - except that she wanted to give us a larger estate. The fact that there isn't too much money to inherit has much more to do with my father's lack of concern to provide for his wife in a life insurance policy than anything else, but that's my opinion.

So, I tried to make her understand that although a reverse mortgage isn't ideal, it's certainly a viable option, and that sometimes life comes out not the way you want it, but you have to be flexible and go with the flow.

I also was explaining how to meditate by following the breath and trying to make that empty space between inhale and exhale larger, so your mind calms down. I think that would really help, but I think I might have to start her with guided meditation CDs first.

I also now think she needs to do abundance affirmations, in addition to physical health ones. That would address the spiritual malaise that is feeding the physical dis-ease.

Tomorrow and Friday we go for the remaining Cyberknife treatments. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get her to drink strawberry (frozen organic ones) smoothies with a good powdered multivitamin, fish and flax oils, resveratrol and quecertin, and green tea extract. Sounds like a lot, but the fish oil is lemon flavored and doesn't affect the taste of the shake. However, because she had the stomach surgery to bypass the obstruction, she has no appetitite and gets filled up just someone with a lap band procedure does. She's also got swallowing issues. This is by far the most challenging part of her illness so far.

On the supplements, except for the resveratrol, which I'm giving her because in vitro it has been shown to kill pancreatic cancer cells along with quercetin. In vitro isn't the same as in vivo, but considering that her tumor is bisecting her duodenum, her stomach contents do hit it, so to me it's the next best thing!

This morning mom's looking better - better color in her face and the energy around her seems better - less dark. She gets very tired after she eats - in this case half of a smoothie (saving the rest for later), and really hates food now. That's also really sad because she has always loved food. Like she's living some food hell too.

She has some tenderness in the lower rib area, but not enough to take a pain killer for. Considering that some doctors think she's only got a few months to live, this is all wonderful to me. She does seem much better.

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