Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Diary No. 9 Reiki and Pancreatic Cancer

I am continuing to have mom listen to the Healing Force self-hypnosis CD while I do the Reiki session. What's nice about it isn't just the suggestions. The subliminal section at the end is just music, so you feel like you're going back to a regular Reiki session.

Up until last night I was reaching over onto my mother's bed to give her the Reiki sessions. Luckily I have short legs, but there's a limit to my ability to put up with being uncomfortable EVERY night. So, last night I got her to use the Reiki table. What a difference. I felt like I gave her a more balanced treatment (although I did want to focus on the liver/pancreas (liver because after the Cyberknife I'm sure it's doing overtime getting rid of all the flotsam and jetsam) and sigmoid colon (there was a spot there that nobody biopsied - were they just giving up or did they not think it was significant. Sucks either way.).

I pulled out my rose quartz pendulum last night after the session too. I had once gone to a wonderful workship about clearing chakras with Reiki and crystals, so I was curious about what effect the session had had that I could actually test - all of the chakras were moving at a very nice speed and force. I'll have to test the "before" next time.

I'm still giving her my "kitchen sink" shakes in the morning: Organic frozen berries (usually strawberries, but sometimes raspberries or blueberries mixed in - Trader Joe's has organic berries for cheaper than the pesticide-laden ones at the grocery store), Jarrow's unflavored whey powder, Barlean's flax oil, Carlson's fish oil (I'm using brands because internet research leads me to think those are the best brands), resveratrol, quercetin, green tea extract. One of those things is slightly bitter, so sometimes I use a little agave sweetener (low glycemic index - sugar feeds cancer, so keep your glycemic index in mind when preparing foods)and some vanilla flavoring. I now add ground flax. Using Red Mills for now, but it's recommended using freshly ground. The golden flax is overpowering ground, so I bought the brown. Haven't tried it yet.

I am becoming fascinated by the Budwig Protocol. Google it. German scientist believed that if you thoroughly mix the flax into the cottage cheese, and add freshly ground seeds and some berries (there's a whole program attached to this, but this is the center of it) that it will strengthen the immune system. It has worked on lots of hopeless cancer cases. Something to do with electrons. Anyway, so when I'm preparing the shake, I often get out some cottage cheese and mix both the flax and fish oil (lemon flavored) into it. Something to do with the sulphurated protein in the cc that makes the body absorb the flax better. Heck, I figured it must also help with absorbtion of the fish oil too. So, I don't do Budwig, but I tried this aspect of it.

Is this all working? Well, my mother is doing really unreasonably well. After the Cyberknife treatment she stopped having pain in her side, and got some of her appetite back (all won't come back due to stomach surgery). She's also a lot stronger and can walk half way up the block with a walker. All I've heard of is pancreatic patients crashing and burning after a couple of months, but not here. It has now been 2 months since her stomach surgery, and once she got out of ICU the trajectory has only been upward (well, thanks to the Cyberknife especially).

What does Reiki have to do with this. Well, I believe it's working on a lot of levels. Since it is relaxing, it's helping her own immune system to work better. But judging from the things my mother is saying during these sessions, I'd say that it's working on an emotional level as well (SHK for sure). Pauline still comes over once a week to do vortex. I'll have her come over weekly until bloodwork indicates it's safe to do it every other week. I think the vortex is a really valuable adjunct right now.

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